Learn more about Zhongji Innolight
On June 28, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange released the results of the 2018 information disclosure ratings for companies listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange's GEM. Zhongji Innolight received an A, which is the highest rating for this evaluation. Since the completion of asset reorganization in 2017, the company has been awarded the rating A in information disclosure by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange for two consecutive years.
A total of 108 companies out of the 739 GEM listed companies evaluated by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange received the rating A, accounting for 14.61% of the total GEM listed companies participating in the evaluation. The purpose of this evaluation is to strengthen the supervision of information disclosure of listed companies and improve the quality of information disclosure.
In the future, the company will continue improving the quality of information disclosure, and disclose the company's operating conditions and industry information truthfully, objectively, accurately, and in a timely manner to investors.