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Helping each other fight against the coronavirus. ZhongJi InnoLight donated 3 million yuan in the fight against the NCP


An "epidemic battle" is under way during this unusual Spring Festival. Faced with the severe issue of the novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak (NCP), all parts of society are working together to fight this battle. ZhongJi InnoLight has closely monitored the outbreak and has donated 3 million yuan in the name of the company chairman and two subsidiaries on January 31 to support virus prevention and control.

Working together to overcome hardship and fight the coronavirus
To fulfill its social responsibility as a listed company and contribute to society at this critical moment of nationwide virus prevention and control, ZhongJi InnoLight held its 34th meeting of the third Board of Directors via teleconference on January 31. At this meeting, the Board approved a donation of 1.5 million yuan to the Charity Federation of Suzhou Industrial Park. It also approved a donation of 500,000 yuan to the Red Cross Society of Longkou City by Shandong ZhongJi Intelligent Equipment (another wholly owned subsidiary). In addition, Wang Weixiu, the company Chairman, personally donated 1 million yuan to the Longkou Red Cross.

Strengthening protection and putting people first
ZhongJi InnoLight has been very concerned about the coronavirus since its outbreak in Wuhan. The company quickly responded to state requirements for virus prevention and control, immediately launched joint prevention and control activities with the two subsidiaries (InnoLight Technology and ZhongJi Intelligent) and established a virus control and publicity team. To ensure employee health and plant hygiene, the team has provided daily reports on the latest epidemic information; disseminated virus prevention and control information; distributed masks, disinfectant and other useful materials to employees; and strengthened plant security and sanitation during the holiday period. In addition, the team has paid special care to stranded employees and those from Wuhan and other places in Hubei province to give them an especially heartwarming Spring Festival.

Fulfilling social responsibility and contributing to public welfare

ZhongJi InnoLight always keeps it social responsibility in mind. With a commitment to public welfare, the company has co-set up a public fund, focused on rural education, responded to Xinjiang aid programs, and initiated industry public welfare projects. ZhongJi InnoLight will continue to monitor the coronavirus outbreak and enforce its own virus prevention and control activities. Additionally, the company will take action to fulfill its corporate responsibility to contribute to the fight against the coronavirus.

ZhongJi InnoLight would also like to express its gratitude to every on-duty employee, all its partners, and all of society for the trust that they have placed in our company!

As the scholar Zhong Nanshan has said, with the concerted efforts of the whole nation, the Chinese people will win!

Wuhan Stays Strong!
China Keeps Going!
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